[00:00:00] Hi everybody. I'm Larraine [00:00:05] Mahoney in Auburn and my colleague Stacey Canino's there in Bolton.

[00:00:10] Let's see. [00:00:15] [00:00:20] We're going to get started with our slideshow here. Stacey, do you want start going through this?

[00:00:25] Sure. The first tip that we always [00:00:30] give when we are telling students how to be successful in math class is to [00:00:35] find a classmate to connect with. There's multiple reasons for that. [00:00:40] The first thing you wanna do is exchange contact information, [00:00:45] email, phone number, or whatever you're comfortable with. Because if you miss a class, [00:00:50] you can find out what you missed so that you're ready for the next [00:00:55] lesson. Also, it's a good idea to, if you're [00:01:00] in class or you didn't hear what the teacher said, you're not sure if something's due, [00:01:05] you can contact your classmate to find that information out as well.

[00:01:10] Okay. The next piece of advice we have is [00:01:15] to attend every class. Because math is a sequential subject, [00:01:20] you need to build on everything in one class [00:01:25] to the next [inaudible] class will make it much more difficult to learn the next lesson [00:01:30] and give your full attention to the lesson. Don't be afraid to ask questions, but I would [00:01:35] also say, sometimes in a bad class, it's okay to sit [00:01:40] there and just be paying attention, listening and writing everything down. If [00:01:45] you don't feel like you're completely yet again, that's okay. Because [00:01:50] the example I give to students that I work with is maybe you're not getting it and you [00:01:55] ask the instructor to go through another example and it takes two more examples before you [00:02:00] get it. But maybe the next two lines need four more examples before they get it. [00:02:05] The instructor may not want to devote class time to get each of you to mastery [00:02:10] so you just want to make sure that you're paying attention and getting everything written [00:02:15] down. If there's something in the moment that's reducing that you think you can get clarification on, [00:02:20] then go ahead.

The next one, it [00:02:25] seems obvious, but it is take good notes in class. [00:02:30] This is really important because when you're going to complete homework, a lot of it is on [00:02:35] MATLAB so a lot of students use view and example, and that might not [00:02:40] always be the way that your instructor wants you to do the problems. [00:02:45] It also might confuse you to learn two different ways when you're trying to learn something new. [00:02:50] Always having your teacher's notes right next to you is really helpful [00:02:55] because you're looking at their method. When you're writing your notes, make sure you put [00:03:00] the date in section of the book that the lecture covers. That's super important because when you're going to do [00:03:05] your homework, then you know where to find examples that correlate with the assignment. Also, when [00:03:10] you come down to the [inaudible] or you meet me for an individual appointment, usually [00:03:15] I like to ask and I'm sure Larraine does to where your notes are so we can look [00:03:20] at those and see how the instructor wants you to do the problems as well so it helps us help you better. [00:03:25] We were talking about this a little bit Larraine mentioned it. If you do have [00:03:30] trouble writing down everything and processing, sometimes you're just writing and not processing. [00:03:35] But if you are confused afterwards, you can use [00:03:40] your textbook to try to fill in any gaps or you can meet with one of us, Larraine [00:03:45] or I to fill in the things that you did not understand during the lesson.

[00:03:50] Okay. Reading the textbook, a lot of people [00:03:55] are not too thrilled about the idea of reading a textbook. But this [00:04:00] can really help prepare you for a class, and it can also reinforce what you've learned in a [00:04:05] class. There are great example syntax, except we have here oftentimes when a [00:04:10] student asks me to help them through a travel then their stuff back, flip that our patients when they're [00:04:15] safe and we find a helpful example in the text here's one. Fairness, just [00:04:20] like the one you just got back. If the patient couple of lessons [00:04:25] is too fast when you're in a classroom and you're missing parts of the concepts, [00:04:30] you're reading a textbook to preview the material before class can be very helpful. [00:04:35] In fact, I just thought what [inaudible] that said he tries to stay up a couple days [00:04:40] because he's already [00:04:45] seen the material.

The next one is also [00:04:50] very important do all assigned homework. You have to practice to be able to do math. [00:04:55] It's not something you can learn by watching. Watching is the first step and very important, [00:05:00] but really knowing that you got it Is what you can do it on your own and [00:05:05] that only happens with practice. Sometimes you have to struggle through several examples [00:05:10] like Larraine was saying before you do master it, but the only way to get there is to keep trying. [00:05:15] The other thing that's very important is sometimes students like to wait until the last minute [00:05:20] and do all the homework at once. That is not good for retention. You might remember [00:05:25] it while you're doing it, but then a couple of days later, that's going to be tough to recall to your memory because [00:05:30] you were trying to do so much at one time. A couple of things we recommend that you get [00:05:35] a planner. We have some here [00:05:40] and I think Larraine has some over there to find gaps [00:05:45] in your schedule so if you are setting up your schedule and you see, oh, I have an hour-and-a-half [00:05:50] between history and math. You can do math either [00:05:55] if you're at home, dedicate that time in a nice non-distracting location if [00:06:00] you can find one, or a really nice non-distracting location is the CAS so we'll find [00:06:05] a lot of students come down and just hang out and do their math work in between classes. And that gives [00:06:10] them the practice. The next one is keeping a notebook [00:06:15] or binder for homework problems. If you are working [00:06:20] on your homework, you can go back to the assignment and continue where you [00:06:25] left off. If there were any specific problems that gave you a hard time, put a star [00:06:30] next to them. I often tell students before [00:06:35] they come to meet me to do as much of the work as you can on your own and then any [00:06:40] clarifications or anything that you struggled with, that's what we work together on. So this is [00:06:45] a really good way to stay organized, so we can do that to help you.

One thing I like to add [00:06:50] to what Stacey just said is it's really helpful to try and do [00:06:55] the homework independently and then just come to us that the ones that you're stuck on because I [00:07:00] have students that would set up an appointment with me and they would come in and say, okay, number 1 [00:07:05] [inaudible] up to today. Then it's not really a very efficient use of [00:07:10] everyone's time because they may find that they're able to get the first six or seven all by [00:07:15] themselves without me having to sit there with them so it's really good. It's a good [00:07:20] test to test yourself because what I'm doing, how far can I get independent so [00:07:25] I'm taking a crack in the homework before you come in to the alerting policy one [00:07:30] of us a good idea. So get help when needed.

[00:07:35] Don't wait if you're struggling. There's resources available [00:07:40] for you, come to the Learning Commons on a rapid basis. You can see me or Stacey, you can make [00:07:45] an appointment. We'll show you at the end of this meeting how to go to homepage [00:07:50] and click on our scheduler. It will take you right to that support and you [00:07:55] can pick either me or Stacey depending on your preference, they're fine and depending on our availability. [00:08:00] One thing I would really try to discourage you from [00:08:05] I can't sit two minutes and say I've sat two hours at this last time, I was in tears, [00:08:10] I was so frustrated. I say if you're heading down that road just close [00:08:15] the book and take a break, close the computer and take a break. If you're really frustrated [00:08:20] and you have sunk a lot of time into it, that's not productive time. Just step away [00:08:25] and say, ''I'm just going to read this tomorrow and see if it'll help or I can jump into, [00:08:30] wasn't eating a variety. You can also make an [00:08:35] appointment to meet with your professor during their office hours. If Stacey is not available, if I [00:08:40] am not available or if you just want to meet with your professor first and certainly your parietal [00:08:45] professor I think are required in that final office hours a week. A lot of students sign then [00:08:50] it's tough to get in there during that narrow [00:08:55] window of time. [00:09:00] End of slideshow. Would you like me to show [00:09:05] them how to find the math tutoring page and make appointments?

[00:09:10] Yeah, you can share screen if you want to do that.

[00:09:15] [00:09:20] I'm hoping that this will go everywhere. If you can't see [00:09:25] when I go to the next page, let me know and I'll have to change my screen share, but to find [00:09:30] the math tutoring page, which contains everything about our math tutoring, you [00:09:35] go to the middle of the CCC website and there's this bar with all these selections, [00:09:40] academic support is toward the middle. If you hover over that, [00:09:45] you will see tutoring services column and you can click on math right there, [00:09:50] and there is our math tutoring page. Both of our names are here, [00:09:55] both of our email addresses are here if you need to contact us for any reason. [00:10:00] Also you can click this red button to schedule an appointment. What's [00:10:05] going to happen is it will take you into Connects ED, make sure you pick the top [00:10:10] »Æ¹ÏÊÓƵ logo. For some reason the bottom one doesn't work. [00:10:15] I'm not sure what we will be able to see here, but I'm going to give it a shot.

[00:10:20] [00:10:25] Hopefully will work. [00:10:30] You'll be putting your »Æ¹ÏÊÓƵ credentials in here, the same one that you use to sign [00:10:35] on your computer or your email address that's what you want to use here. [00:10:40] But anyway [00:10:45] it's going to take you in there and what you'll see is Larraine's [00:10:50] schedule, you'll see my schedule. Those of you who are not on either campus [00:10:55] that are fully online, you can choose an online meeting with either of us. [00:11:00] When you go in there, you'll see hours and you'll also see the type of meeting and you'll pick [00:11:05] Fulton campus, Auburn campus, or online meeting and you should be able [00:11:10] to schedule a half-hour appointment that way.

I was telling Stacey the other [00:11:15] day we had our first workshop, sometimes [00:11:20] you'll have students that will say Larraine I want to meet with you every Tuesday at 1:00 [00:11:25] that way I know I'll get my homework done over the weekend and then I'll see you with any problems that I [00:11:30] have on Tuesday. It's a really important tool [00:11:35] for some students, they have had accountability. They know if they have a recurring 30-minute appointment, every week [00:11:40] with me or Stacey and keeps on their toes, keep them from falling behind. If they didn't get their work [00:11:45] done, they'll just come in and say, ''I didn't think to put this weekend, but I'm going to sit over here and probably get caught up.'' It's a [00:11:50] black piece of time that they can devote to their math. [00:11:55] I think that's about it.

[00:12:00] Anybody have questions for us?

Any [00:12:05] questions? The other thing I did want to mention is we are going to have a math table [00:12:10] up and running. In Fulton here we should have it up and running at least by [00:12:15] next week. How about you, Larraine, you think?

Yeah, I hope that we'll have our peer tutors on [00:12:20] by next week. We've been busy mid day, which is [00:12:25] good. There's a lot of students that come in. I might get five or six students at once that are working on [00:12:30] math that are spread out throughout the learning pilings and I'll just go around from time to time and say, [00:12:35] ''How are you doing.'' Or somebody come and get me if they're stack. It's just a good place to get your work [00:12:40] done there's computers that are available for student use. There's printers that are available for student [00:12:45] use.


[00:12:50] That's that. We have textbooks as well. We have all [00:12:55] math textbooks. I know there were some textbooks on back order, so [00:13:00] I've had a lot of students coming in just to see the assignments and get started.

[00:13:05] Our next workshops are [00:13:10] going to be later in the semester. If you want to find those, those of you who are online are [00:13:15] probably already use this link, but there's a link at the bottom of this page that says ''Study Skills.'' [00:13:20] That's actually a bunch of other workshops as well held by other people like our writing specialists, [00:13:25] Chris Motto, she's going to do a reading strategies one tomorrow. [00:13:30] How to talk to your professors and then there's going to be some more math [00:13:35] down here in the beginning of October, we're going to do math test prep strategies. [00:13:40] That's going to be more specific to help you prepare for exams. There's a lot of people [00:13:45] that are not sure how to prepare for an exam and then they go in [00:13:50] and they blank out. We'll give you some tips so that hopefully that won't happen.

[00:13:55] Yeah, I said in the past, unfortunately, the idea [00:14:00] law students for the first time right after they've gotten their first math test yet and that and they felt [00:14:05] like that, ''I think I prepared for this test.'' Then they get their test handed back to them and their previous [00:14:10] one they hope it would be. Then they realize, ''I better go get support.'' Usually [00:14:15] after that first test or if you feel like I'm [00:14:20] not quite sure if I'm ready for this test. Definitely want to see us before the test.

[00:14:25] That's it.

[00:14:30] Unless anybody has some questions.

[00:14:35] Okay. Well, thank you, everybody, for coming. I'll make sure [00:14:40] you guys get a raffle ticket filled out so you can enter your name and which comprises. [00:14:45] Otherwise, we'll see everybody later.

[00:14:50] [00:14:55] Alrighty. Thanks, everyone.